Gemstone Buyer Guide: Unveiling the Allure of Rainbow Sapphires

Rainbow sapphires, often referred to as "fancy sapphires," are a remarkable deviation from the traditional blue or white sapphires. These exceptional gemstones exhibit a breathtaking array of hues, including violet, purple, orange, green, pink, and many more. The concept of rainbow sapphires stems from the intriguing fact that sapphires can be found in almost every colour of the rainbow, making them a treasure trove for those who appreciate the diversity of gemstone colours.

The beauty of these rainbow sapphires lies in their ability to offer an entire spectrum of colours, each with its unique charm. Whether you're captivated by the regal allure of purple or the vivaciousness of orange, there's a rainbow sapphire to suit every taste and style. These gemstones allow you to express your individuality through a colourful palette that goes far beyond the traditional blue.

Concept of Rainbow Sapphires - Inspired by Fancy Coloured Diamonds

The term "fancy sapphires" draws inspiration from the world of fancy coloured diamonds. Just as fancy coloured diamonds exhibit a range of colours beyond conventional white or colourless diamonds, fancy sapphires bring a similar burst of colour and uniqueness to the world of gemstones. They add a touch of individuality and vibrancy to jewellery, making them a favoured choice for those seeking something truly distinctive and exceptional. Fancy sapphires open up a world of possibilities for creative jewellery designs, allowing you to craft pieces that reflect your personality and style.

Whether you're interested in a lively orange sapphire to represent creativity and energy or a serene green sapphire symbolizing growth and renewal, these gemstones provide the perfect canvas for personal expression. By embracing the concept of fancy sapphires, you can break free from the traditional and immerse yourself in a world of colour, intrigue, and beauty.

Rainbow Coloured Sapphires

Sapphire Colour


Orange Sapphire

Orange sapphires are known for their warm and vibrant hues. They can range from a deep, fiery orange to a softer, more pastel shade. Orange sapphires are associated with creativity, enthusiasm, and optimism. These gemstones are often used in jewellery to add a pop of colour and a touch of energy to designs.

Purple Sapphire

Purple sapphires exhibit a wide range of purple shades, from delicate lilac to deep and regal purple. They are often linked to qualities like wisdom, spirituality, and luxury. Purple sapphires can create stunning jewellery pieces, evoking a sense of elegance and charm.

Green Sapphire

Green sapphires come in a spectrum of green tones, from subtle seafoam greens to deep forest greens. They are associated with nature, growth, and renewal. Green sapphires can be used in jewellery to represent harmony and the beauty of the natural world. Their colour is often sought after for its calming and soothing qualities.

Sapphire Colours Stemming from Nature's Palette

The enchanting world of rainbow sapphires owes its existence to the remarkable spectrum of colours that sapphires can naturally display. These vibrant colours are not artificially induced but are the result of specific trace elements present in the sapphire's crystal structure. Elements such as iron, titanium, and chromium are instrumental in influencing the colours of sapphires. This natural diversity allows sapphires to mirror every colour in the rainbow, offering a stunning range of choices for jewellery enthusiasts and collectors.

Whether it's the soothing blue of a summer sky or the warm orange of a tropical sunset, rainbow sapphires enable you to own a piece of nature's vibrant palette. Each sapphire reflects the unique geological conditions of its origin, telling a story of the earth's history and the incredible forces that shaped these remarkable gemstones.

Why Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is a Top Location for Rainbow-Coloured Sapphires

Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, has earned a well-deserved reputation as a top location for the production of rainbow-coloured sapphires due to a combination of geological factors, rich history, and the artistry of its lapidaries. Here's why Sri Lanka stands out as a premier source of these stunning gemstones:

  1. Diverse Geological Conditions: Sri Lanka's geological diversity provides an ideal environment for the formation of a wide range of sapphire colours. The presence of various trace elements, such as iron, titanium, and chromium, within the geological formations of the island contributes to the creation of colourful sapphires. These elements interact differently with the sapphire crystals, resulting in an extensive spectrum of hues. Sri Lanka's geological diversity ensures that both traditional and fancy sapphires, from the classic blues to the vibrant pinks and oranges, are found within its mineral-rich soil.

  2. Long History of Sapphire Mining: Sri Lanka has a rich history of sapphire mining dating back to ancient times. This history of gemstone extraction and trade has honed the skills of Sri Lankan lapidaries and gem cutters, making them experts in revealing the true beauty of sapphires. Their craftsmanship is renowned for enhancing the colour and brilliance of each gem, ensuring that the rainbow sapphires from Sri Lanka are of the highest quality.

  3. Responsible and Ethical Sourcing: Sri Lanka has established a reputation for ethical and responsible sourcing of gemstones. The country's commitment to sustainable mining practices ensures that the environmental impact is minimized, and that the rights and well-being of local communities are protected. Buyers seeking ethically-sourced rainbow sapphires can trust in the transparent and responsible practices of the Sri Lankan gemstone industry.

  4. Diversity of Deposits: Sri Lanka is home to diverse sapphire deposits scattered throughout the island. Notable mining areas include Ratnapura, Elahera, and the gem-rich region of the Central Highlands. These deposits offer a wide selection of sapphires in terms of colour, quality, and rarity. The Central Highlands, for instance, are renowned for producing some of the world's finest fancy sapphires.

  5. Cultural and Historical Significance: Sri Lanka has a long tradition of valuing and celebrating gemstones. Sapphires have played an essential role in the country's cultural and historical heritage, often symbolizing blessings, protection, and good fortune. This cultural significance adds an extra layer of charm to Sri Lankan sapphires, making them sought after not only for their physical beauty but also for their spiritual and cultural connections.

Quality and Rarity Factors of Rainbow Coloured Sapphires 

As with any gemstone, rainbow sapphires vary in terms of quality and rarity. When evaluating the quality of a rainbow sapphire, in addition to the type of colour of the gemstone: orange, purple, green, or pink several other factors come into play. From the intensity and saturation of the colour, where more vivid and saturated the tones are valued. With rainbow coloured gems with vivid hues being valued significantly more. Furthermore, factors such as clarity, carat weight, and the overall cut significantly affect the desirability of a rainbow sapphire. Gemstones with good clarity and a substantial carat weight are generally more sought after, as they exhibit vibrant colours to their full potential.

However, it's important to note that not all rainbow sapphires are created equal, and their availability can vary significantly depending on their colour and quality. Acquiring high-quality rainbow sapphires may require a discerning eye, as well as patience and a keen understanding of these gemstones' unique attributes. These factors, combined with the natural rarity of certain colours like pink or orange, make rainbow sapphires a true gemological treasure and an excellent choice for those looking to make a colourful statement in their jewellery.

Rafael Green

Damian Sylvester

Damian Sylvester is the Lead Content Creator and Digital Marketer for Brilliyond

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