You aren't logged in or do not have access to this page. Here is how you can get the access.

  • 1. Please make sure you are logged in.
  • 2. If you are logged in, please make sure you logged in as a buyer (not as a gem merchant).
  • 3. If you are a gem merchant, you have access to your own gemstones only.
  • 4. If you are a buyer, your business may need to get verified. Please send an email to

Natural Gem Exchange is an online virtual exchange where sellers and buyers can easily trade their gemstones. Some category pages and product pages may not be visible you depending on the type of user you are and your access level. We apologise for the inconvenience caused but please bear with us because this will ensure the visibility preferences specified by our sellers.

Most category pages are only visible to registred buyers. If you do not have a buyer account please register. Once you registered we will contact you and verify before the access is granted.

As you may aware, we offer flexible visibility of gemstones for sellers in the platform. The sellers can select how their gemstones are visible and to whom. NGE has different types of users. Sellers who list their gemstones for sale and buyers who wish to enquire and buy those. If you are not a registered buyer, some products may not visible to you. In order to encourage sellers to list highly priced heirloom quality gemstones in the platform, we promise them that we only showcase them to the right audience. Therefore, once you created a buyer account, we personally contact you to discuss your requirements and grant the access level which suits you the most. This will also benefit the right buyers to directly access what they are looking for.

Please create a buyer account in NGE and check whether you will get access to this page automatically. If not please wait few days and our support team will call you and approve the registration. If you need immediate access please email

The Internet's largest coloured gemstone exchange.

Speed Shipping


24 Hour Phone Support

24/7 Phone Support

Secured Payments

Your payments are well secured

For Sellers

Our merchant training program will help you to become a successful international gem merchant:

"Gemstone trade is a centuries old business. However, during the last few years there has been a huge tranformation in the industry. Telecommunication, technology, logistics/transportation, and financial services industries have undergone major shifts during the last 10 years. However, the gemstone trade has not benifited enough from these advancements. Natural Gem Exchange brings cutting edge technologies and processes to gem merchants so that you can thrive in the modern international trade environment."

Our offer to gemstone merchants is two fold. We train you to use modern technologies so that you can present your gemstones with the best standards available. Then we facilitate trading. We connect you with buyers all around the world. Natural Gem Exchage training is not only for novice gem merchants. Experienced and established gem merchants will equally benifit from the program. The training program is 100% free. The program is conducted via a series of self educational videos.

Our Short Term Goal


Merchants Registered


Gemstones Listed


Gem Varieties


Buyers Registered


Love for Gemstones